Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Listen to God's Whisper


Have you ever heard a soft voice or a silent whisper, and you wondered where it was coming from? Have you ever stopped to think that God is trying to tell you something? The Holy Spirit wants to enter our lives providing us with grace through the presence of God. God comes to us in different ways with truths that will not allow us to have doubt. The Holy Spirit whispers words that will comfort our hearts. Have you ever felt as nothing seems to be going the way you planned it to go? You try your hardest to make things work, but you just seem to fall short. Have you ever thought to stop and listen to that soft whispering voice and think…is the Holy Spirit trying to tell you something? I’m here to tell you…you’ve tried things your way and it didn’t work, you put yourself first before God. You never stopped to think hmmmm, I believe God is trying to tell me this is not the way, and I need to try his way. There is nothing like listening to God’s sweet whispers in the time of need, or anytime really. It doesn’t have to be bad times it can be good times too. I ask again have you ever stopped to listen to what the Holy Spirit is trying to tell you? It is very important to listen to what God is saying. There is always a lesson in his message to us. Remember my favorite verse, Jeremiah 29:11? I have to result back to this verse all the time I know he has a plan for me I must stop and listen to what he is trying to tell me. Then I reflect on the verse Psalms 16:7 “I will bless the Lord who guides me; even at night, my heart instructs me” (NTL). His quiet whispers of grace that will enter into our hearts will always draw us closer to God.

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